Robeson County Divorce Attorney

North Carolina divorce laws are notoriously confusing. If you are considering divorce, you have probably heard many pieces of conflicting advice from friends and family. It is best to discuss your case with an attorney so you understand your rights and can make informed decisions.
Hunt & Brooks, PLLC, provides experienced divorce representation in Robeson County and the surrounding area. Our family law attorneys will clearly explain your rights and options. We know that this is a stressful time and will treat you with compassion throughout your case. For an appointment with a Lumberton divorce attorney, please call 910-719-9595 or contact us online. Se habla español.
Know Your Rights Before You Take Action
In North Carolina, a couple may get an absolute divorce or a divorce from bed and board. For an absolute divorce, the parties must live in separate households for a year and at least one party must intend for the marriage to end. You do not need a legal separation agreement. However, if you want a separation agreement, we can draft one for you.
A divorce from bed and board is a different matter. In these cases, the divorce is a court-ordered separation based on the fault of the defendant and the innocence of the complaining party. Determining and proving marital fault can be a complex issue. We strongly recommend discussing this with a lawyer before making decisions.
In most cases, negotiation or mediation allows the parties to reach an agreement regarding property division, spousal support, child custody and child support. If a couple cannot agree on all issues, however, a trial may be necessary. We have the trial experience to protect your interests.
Contact A Robeson County Child Support Lawyer
Please call 910-719-9595 to schedule an appointment.